Thursday 14 February 2013

Busy busy busy! Sorry!

Hey readers!

Sorry this has been super late, i've not done a post in over two weeks but i promise to make it up to you! Gonna do some extra posts over next few weeks between the weeks, follow me on twitter and you'll see when i do these posts! (they'll be a little eratic!) @katastrophimatt

Anyway here's a couple of things i've done past few weeks.

So firstly, i did a brief where i had to do level designs and other stuff that was for a live brief (reason i've missed posting) for a real company! It was really fun, i took a snapshot of part of the level i did and did a concept piece for it, which is the image below. Definitely enjoyed doing it will have to do more stuff like this!

Here's a couple more studies i've been doing, studying atmospheric perspective mostly and colour mostly, trying to paint things in their local value then do washes over the top to give the atmosphere and depth to the pieces.

I've been doing a ton of 3D work, which i'll post up next week (I promise this time!). Back on my normal scheduled now along with my extra posts to make up for missed time! Hope you enjoyed this post. 



  1. Promising strt....Keep up the good work...

    1. Thanks Guru! Working on my 3D along with this need to get props done for idi bidi boo!
